I hear you and I believe you - on empathy in inclusive leadership
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

I hear you and I believe you - on empathy in inclusive leadership

I love this definition of empathy*

When I reflect with managers on inclusive leadership at workshops, we often mention empathy. Aligning, I often ask: how do you understand it?

I like this definition because it reveals two indispensable "ingredients".

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Diversity month opening
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Diversity month opening

I hadn’t expected to feel this emotion at a conference, but it was undeniably present.

I felt moved.

What touched me so much?

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The body is the library of our experiences
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

The body is the library of our experiences

As DEI trainers, leaders, DEI champions, people in HR roles in charge of DEI, or simply – people who care about this topic, we find ourselves often in positions when we hold space for experiences and opinions of others.

Opinions that may happen to be contradictory to our own beliefs.

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Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic - on inclusive communication
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic - on inclusive communication

„Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.”

It’s with the words of one of the most famous professors – prof. Albus Dumbledore from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 😉 that I could summarize my speech at the stage of Teatr Capitol Warszawa on the principles of inclusive communication at the IC Mobile (Internal Communication) meeting last week.

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“find out before you freak out”
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

“find out before you freak out”

At one of the trainings on microaggressions I’ve run, a participant shared a story where she got an email with feedback about her presentation from a colleague that said: “Your presentation was great, I noticed though that on one of the slides you forgot to put a dot at the end of the sentence”.

“Dora, was this a microaggression?” – she asked

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we are all wok in progmess - on perfection in dei
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

we are all wok in progmess - on perfection in dei

“Dora, this whole posting on LinkedIn is beyond my capacity.”

“I can’t keep up with that pressure of polished pictures and captivating content.”

“I'm scared that people will judge me that I said something incorrect.”

This is how I could summarize my recent talks with colleagues who try to create valuable content on LinkedIn and to share their expertise but who are on a verge of giving up.

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Inclusive norms - third episode of the podcast of inclusive leadership
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Inclusive norms - third episode of the podcast of inclusive leadership

If you are a leader, grab your headphones! If you support leaders and managers – grab them too! 🎧

In the third episode of Halo Piekło podcast on Inclusive Leadership, for an invitation of Magdalena Piekło, I’m sharing very practical knowledge about something none inclusive team can work without.

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How would my organization look like, if everyone behaved like me?
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

How would my organization look like, if everyone behaved like me?

"How would my organization look like, if everyone behaved like me?"

I’ve read this sentence some time ago and it went straight into my heart.

"It’s the HR’s role. It’s the managers’ role. It’s the CEO’s role."That’s often what we think.

💭 But let’s imagine that, for one day, you had the power to put YOUR OWN behavior, in the context of DEI, as the company's standard.

Would you really enjoy it?

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beloning cues
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

beloning cues

Can you recall a moment when you joined a group and you instantly felt like you belonged? The energy was just right 🔄

What you might have experienced was the power of “belonging cues” – subtle behavioral hints which gave you a sense that you were safe to share: your identity, ideas and abilities freely.

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What motivates me to do DEI work?
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

What motivates me to do DEI work?

„The worst single aviation disaster in history actually occurred on the ground.”

And it was the lack of psychological safety that laid underneath it…

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Psychological safety - book recommendation
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Psychological safety - book recommendation

The first quarter of 2024 I’ve spent mostly analyzing data and designing new processes in organizations that are dedicated to DEI.

And I like that consulting part of my work.

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impact of inclusive norms on innovation and engagement
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

impact of inclusive norms on innovation and engagement

"If only there was a way to increase my team’s engagement, innovation and problem-solving…"

What if I told you there was?

I share it regularly with managers and leaders at my inclusive leadership workshops and I’m going to share with you as well…

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inclusive leadership - it all starts with one decision
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

inclusive leadership - it all starts with one decision

“I just need to be nice to everyone so that they don’t get offended”

„It’s basically about respecting each other”

“As long as I treat everyone equally, that should be enough."

It’s not what inclusive leadership is about and yet this is how it’s often being (mis)understood.

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check if your organization communicates inclusively
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

check if your organization communicates inclusively

If organizations get this right, employees will start to feel seen.

Perhaps you wish that someone told you this before, I’ve certainly heard clients say that.

So I’m offering you today some of these bold but caring 💙 truths that I share with organizations before I audit their internal communication.

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Learning & Development, Trends & Best Practices
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Learning & Development, Trends & Best Practices

Last week I had the pleasure to attend ABSL Wrocław HR CoP - L&D with LinkedIn meeting at GlobalLogic on Learning & Development, Trends & Best Practices.

As a trainer, learning experiences designer and a person deeply passionate about impactful and sustainable development solutions, I was intrigued by inputs of Artur Mastek, Marcin Chabowski, Magdalena Kapuścińska and Weronika Goliszewska on the future of L&D.

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gendered sprinkles and universal design
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

gendered sprinkles and universal design

If kids get it, we can too!

Last Friday, together with my daughters, I was on hunt for cupcakes’ ingredients and aside from grocery shopping we also made a discovery: Apparently, 𝘀𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗸𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿!

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włączające przywództwo
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

włączające przywództwo

Jedno z wyzwań, którymi liderzy_ki dzielą się ze mną na warsztatach: Jak pogodzić rosnące oczekiwania by mieć więcej empatii i lepiej włączać różne perspektywy osób w zespole, a jednocześnie znaleźć czas na rozwój w tym obszarze pośród piętrzących się wyzwań i obowiązków?

Małymi krokami, trzydziestominutowymi na początek…

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de-biasing methods that work
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

de-biasing methods that work

I wonder if any of you participated in an unconscious gender bias workshop on the occasion of International Women’s Day?

These are very popular formats to tackle the topics of inequality. But what enduring impact do such interventions truly have?

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Microaggressions towards men
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Microaggressions towards men

Today marks the International Men’s Day and it’s a good occasion to remind that patriarchy and traditional gender roles are harmful for all genders and men are not exempt from experiencing sexism and discrimination.

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