• Working with Dora in Poland and remotely across the globe was a dream! Dora was very professional yet accommodating to meet our shifting needs. She provided DEI training that fit the business and our employees' needs. She was able to take our corporate inclusive behavior model and translate it into relevant and thought-provoking content for employees and managers. Although initially skeptical, our employees rated the content and delivery of this training high. They have asked for more, and we will continue to utilize Dora and her skills to deliver!

    Rachel MacDonald | FLUKE

  • Dora helped us launch our unique DEI training program at Semrush. She trained a group of trainers from DEI ERGs participants and helped us create training that perfectly fits our company, addresses all needs, and fits into the culture. Thanks to her support and navigation, the culture team delivers this DEI workshop with DEI ERG participants. I confidently recommend Dora as an incredible professional deeply immersed in DEI topics and yet can tailor the perfect solution for your business.

    Anastasia Eliseenko, SEMRUSH

  • Dora is a born trainer. She easily shares her knowledge and experience during lectures and workshops for larger groups, as well as during individual consultations. Extensive knowledge in diversity and inclusion, human rights, and anti-discrimination topics. I have always admired her interpersonal skills, but also her extraordinary organization of work. Working hard for a mission she believes in. At the same time, she is a kind, warm-hearted, and open-minded person. Working with Dora is a real pleasure!

    Dominika Błaszak | Antidiscrimination Days Association

  • I would like to recommend Dora who is a seasoned DEI professional, a top designer of learning experiences, and a highly skilled trainer. I would like to highlight, that Dora's passion for DEI, which started long before diversity became standard in the corporate world in Poland, is driven by her curiosity and openness for diverse cultures, but first of all from her deep empathy, and high moral standards. I believe that cooperation with Dora, as a DEI consultant, may truly help in shaping an inclusive organization.

    Aneta Długopolska - Mikonowicz | WrOPENup

  • W działaniu Dora wykazuje się rzetelnym merytorycznym przygotowaniem, wnikliwością, chęcią do wspólnego poszukiwania, szczerością oraz otwartością. Szybko reaguje na nieprzewidziane sytuacje, jasno i z ogromnym zaangażowaniem komunikuje swoje spostrzeżenia oraz pomysły.

    Marta Paleczna | Papaya Films

  • We appreciated a lot Dora’s professionalism, as well as capacity to deeply connect to the participants, her great sense of active listening and her ability to propose creative tools and innovative methodology in response to the participant’s needs.

    Francesca Magagni | La Concertation

  • Bardzo doceniam styl trenerski Dory Küntzel, w którym profesjonalizm łączy się z pełną inkluzywnością i empatią. W działaniach Dory to zawsze człowiek jest na pierwszym miejscu, a jej szkolenia prowadzone są z dbałością o osoby narażone na wykluczenie i przeciwdziałanie dyskryminacji. Wiedza jest przekazywana przez Dorę w sposób przystępny, dostosowany do grup odbiorczych. Zawsze jest miejsce na pytania i wątpliwości, a grupa pozostaje zaopiekowana.

    Eliza Gaust | Pełnomocniczka Prezydent Miasta Łodzi

  • Jestem pod wrażeniem Twojej wiedzy, doświadczenia i dojrzałości z jaką podchodzisz do tych niezwykle ważnych i delikatnych tematów.

    Joanna Szczypek | Santander Bank Polska

  • Not only Dora lead all Wroclaw Living Library events’ organisation, she took the project to a country-wide level and trained trainers all across Poland, having created the whole ecosystem of Living Library organisers and trainers. In my humble opinion, this is unprecedented leadership, given the values of the Living Library as a diversity and inclusion project. Her events touched thousands of people and counting. That’s impact at scale together with a rare people talent.

    Ksenia Pimenova | Coach ICF

  • Webinar przeprowadzony przez Dorę był fantastycznym elementem obchodów Dnia Kobiet w Prowly. Zaangażowanie i przygotowanie prelegentki były na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Webinar odbił się szerokim echem w naszej organizacji i zapoczątkował szereg dyskusji jak również chęć do pogłębiania swojej wiedzy na temat równości płci. Nie pozostało nam nic innego jak olbrzymia chęć dalszej współpracy.

    Tomasz Biśto | Prowly

  • Dora poprowadziła dla pracowników Banku dwa webinary. Webinary wprowadzały w temat języka inkluzywnego i radzenia sobie z mikroagresjami i cieszyły się dużym zainteresowaniem. Były prowadzone z dużą uważnością i otwartością na potrzeby uczestników. Dora w wyjątkowy sposób potrafi zaangażować innych, nie boi się trudnych tematów i pytań, prowadzi dyskusje w atmosferze szacunku dla różnorodności poglądów.

    Agnieszka Bukowska | Bank BPH

  • Dora is a real explorer of your needs. She pays a lot of attention to understand your priorities and deliver tailored solutions. Secondly, flexibility and dialogue - she is a champion of checking and introducing options, gathering feedback and understanding background of diversed reactions. Deep partnering level.

    That what I experienced while we have been working on microagression educational tools.

    Katarzyna Zabratańska | Żabka

  • Miałam okazję uczestniczyć w warsztacie nt Mikroagresji i Mikroafirmacji, który Dora prowadziła w mojej firmie. Gorąco polecam wszystkim- temat budzący emocje i otwierający głowy uczestników, bo w dużej mierze nieuświadomiony.

    Dora w przyjazny i przystępny sposób skłania do przemyśleń i autorefleksji , prowokuje dyskusje i dzieli się swoim doświadczeniem z obszaru DEI. Był to wartościowy czas dla mnie i innych uczestników.

    Joanna Kuryło-Hadryś | Hewlett Packard Enterprise

  • Dora ran an inclusive language workshop at my workplace. She is a well-prepared trainer who knows how to get participants to actively participate. During the workshop she was very good at drawing attention to the relevant elements and highlighting points that the participant might have missed. I highly recommend working with Dora and we will certainly use her in the future.

    Mariusz Filipczuk | BNY Mellon

  • I trully recommend Dora as a trainer. She led for us a 1,5 hour webinar for almost 200 participants for the opening of the internal cultural program. Webinar took place on 16th of November( International Tolerance Day). Dora understood well our needs and adjusted the content to them. She has a great experience in D&I topic and speaks about this area with passion and empathy. I am looking forward to our further cooperation!

    Katarzyna Świderska | UNIQA

  • Dora was able to propose a scenario highlighting the D&I adapting it to the corporate world, to set up an e-learning adapted to our employees and to their professional reality.

    Marie Magneron | Credit Agricole Bank Polska

  • I highly recommend cooperation with Dora. She's been supporting us in the diversity, equity and inclusion activities, starting with building our DEI strategy, running Leadership Inclusion program and training employee resource groups.

    Dora is always well-prepared, brings a lot of expertise to our organization and can share her knowledge really well.

    Małgorzata Kledzik, Innocap

  • I worked with Dora on the Inclusive Digital Communication Guide and a 3-day training organised by Eurodesk.
    She was super professional, reliable and knowledgeable.

    I really enjoyed working with her and would recommend her to other NGOs and companies interested to develop their inclusion strategies.

    Audrey Frith, EURODESK Brussles Link

  • We've worked together on webinars for employees and workshops for People Leaders. In all sessions Dora brought knowledge and experience, providing our team with a deeper understanding of critical DEI concepts. Her approach was highly engaging, utilizing interactive activities and real-world examples to illustrate complex issues surrounding diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    Dora has an exceptional ability to create a safe and inclusive environment - she encouraged open dialogue, making it easier for our team members to share personal experiences and reflections. 

    I wholeheartedly recommend Dora as a trainer to any organization seeking to enhance their understanding and practice of DEI principles.

    Aleksandra Bechta | Bank BPH

Council of Europe



The Walt Disney Company

Credit Agricole Bank Polska


Papaya Films


Siemens Finance


Santander Bank Polska







Wrocław City Council



GE Aerospace

Netzwerk ROPE e.V


Zammenhof Centre

Krzyżowa Foundation

BNy mellon

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie


Hewlett Packard Enterprise




Collins Areospace







• Council of Europe • Google • Wigeters • The Walt Disney Company • Credit Agricole Bank Polska • Intive • Papaya Films • BOSCH • Siemens Finance • NOKIA • Santander Bank Polska • Prowly • Transcom • Knowable • WrOPENup • MERCK • EPIZ • Wrocław City Council • XEOS • Innocap • GE Aerospace • Netzwerk ROPE e.V • Żabka • Zammenhof Centre • Krzyżowa Foundation • BNy mellon • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie • Skanska • Hewlett Packard Enterprise • Eurodesk • FLUKE • Semrush • Collins Areospace • Uniqa • Bain • Pracuj.pl • XEBIA • PZU • EY

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