‘The future of work is emotional’
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

‘The future of work is emotional’

We're still confronted with a narrative that we must choose between being #professional and being emotional.

The opposite approach is needed though - if we allow our emotions into business spaces, we actually enhance our professional abilities.

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be brave to be bad at something new
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

be brave to be bad at something new

I’ve spent a big part of the last 3 months in training rooms, mostly with leaders and managers.

And there was a sentence that I’ve heard at every workshop related to DEI…

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minority spotlight effect
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

minority spotlight effect

Have you ever found yourself in a room where you were in a minority, and you felt the pressure or responsibility of representing your entire group and suddenly you become conscious of what you say and how you say it so that you and your group is perceived well?

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microaggressions related to disability
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

microaggressions related to disability

Navigating conversations around a part of an identity we don't share can be difficult. We lack vocabulary, we don't know how what we say could be perceived, we don't want to offend anyone.

And sometimes, despite being well-intended, some expressions can actually be impolite and perceived as microaggressive.

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Inclusive language - podcast
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Inclusive language - podcast

Languages are my passion but I’ve never thought I was going to actually be teaching one 😉

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Three biases that impact women in particular
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Three biases that impact women in particular

When discussing bias in the workplace, the hiring stage often receives the most attention. However, it is crucial to recognize that bias also influences so many other stages, for example as performance reviews.

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The pain of rejection
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

The pain of rejection

When people experience social rejection, the same areas of the brain get activated as when they feel physical pain.

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pride month
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

pride month

The Pride Month comes to an end.

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The duck syndrome in dei
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

The duck syndrome in dei

“I guess we’re doing great, no one is complaining!”

…is what I hear sometimes when I ask #leadership about employees’ perception of inclusion in different organizations.

I was recently reminded about the Duck Syndrome Effect that perfectly describes this situation.

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inclusive leadership takes intentional practice
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

inclusive leadership takes intentional practice

An exceptional training session on inclusive #leadership will prove ineffective if it fails to consider the necessity of planning and sustaining behavioral changes over a longer time period.

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Flip it to test it Punt kick cards
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Flip it to test it Punt kick cards

Does your creativity, once triggered, also have a tendency to seek its own outlet?

On Flip It To Test It Punt Kick Cards

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six divers of burnout
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

six divers of burnout

To create a safe environment where people are not prone to burnout is a responsibility of the organization, not yours individually.

However, you can lower the taxing effect of this job by working on your perspective and today’s bingo shows things to keep in mind for that.

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Have you heard of the Delusion of inclusion?
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Have you heard of the Delusion of inclusion?

Have you heard of the Delusion of Inclusion*?

It’s the self-perception trap related to majority of leaders.

It turns out that 2/3 of leaders' estimates of their own inclusion efforts are inaccurate.

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Why should your organization care about DEI?
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Why should your organization care about DEI?

Why should your organization care about DEI?

Because 5 of the 20 most powerful predictors of a toxic culture that lead to resignation, relate to inclusion.

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Are you sure that what you communicate is unbiased?
Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel Dora Mołodyńska-Küntzel

Are you sure that what you communicate is unbiased?

Are you sure that what communicate is inclusive and unbiased?

Flip It To Test It.

It’s a simple yet brilliant and very effective method that I was introduced by Kristen Pressner’s TED Talk to check on our bias and inclusivity.

Check out today’s comic stripe to see how it works when we flip the narrative.

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