Flip it to test it Punt kick cards

Does your creativity, once triggered, also have a tendency to seek its own outlet?


A week ago, wonderful Anna Harężlak, on her podcast asked me to share a method on checking if an easy and accessible method to verify if what we say is inclusive and unbiased.


I reminded myself then of the TED Talk of Kristen A. Pressner on Flip It To Test It method.


On the way back from recording the podcast, my brain just wouldn't let go - more and more examples were popping up. By the time I reached home - I needed to put it on "paper" and designed a couple of comic strips to illustrate the Flip It To Test It.


Next day, posted it on LinkedIn and go a tremendously positive reaction and some more ideas [thank you Vaida Kavaliukaitė-Kaijanmäki and Robert Gibson].


But my energy was still very high.


I started to play around with the comic stripes, added 12 more examples and created a little booklet and eventually, a series of new Punt Kick Cards [first ones I made in March are related to microaggressions].


So here they are: Flip It To Test It Punt Kick Cards, sent now to print.


I'll use them during my workshops on unconscious bias and inclusive language.

The creative spark has been released, uff!

And there is more to come as I'm sure that playing with those will bring great discussions at the workshops. Can’t wait!


1element of dei puzzle impacts 70% of perception of inclusion


six divers of burnout