Guide on Inclusive communication

I'm excited to share that the Guide on Inclusive Communication in Youth Information Services that I had a pleasure to co-author with Aga Byrczek and Audrey FRITH for the invitation of Eurodesk Brussels Link, has been launched yesterday! 🎉

The Guide provides points for self-reflection, introduction on creating a mindset of belonging and the part with seven principles and case studies that explain how to improve the outreach to a broader audience and make it more inclusive and accessible.

It's been a long process of developing the guide with lots of discussions, decisions and learning on the way which I'm very grateful for. I was very happy to re-connect with youth work for a moment and share my expertise and experience for bigger inclusion of young people of diverse backgrounds in Europe.

Though the guide refers directly to youth information services, the guidelines and advice is pretty universal to any type of on inclusive communication and I'll for sure share some main points of the publication here within the upcoming days.

Thank you Karolina Kosowska, Sara Garcia Ruiz, Johana Siendones Gómez  and the rest of EBL Team for this great adventure.

The Guide is available for a free download: 🔗 Guide on Inclusive Communication


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