How to sustain inclusive leadership training impact?

Are your organization's managers getting enough support as they navigate the path to inclusive leadership?

I’ve recently listened to a podcast with Dr. Rachel Cubas-Wilkinson who said: “As of 2021 only a third of companies had a strategy to help leaders be more inclusive in their day-to-day workplace”*

This means that, despite their good intentions, leaders and managers might not be behaving as inclusively as you hoped for.

Even if you're offering training on inclusive leadership, it's crucial to make sure the impact lasts.

How to unlock lasting impact? 🔓

Consider these three strategies that I introduce during my trainings and advise for sustainable impact:

1️⃣ Accountability Partnerships:

〰️ Pair up managers as accountability partners.
〰️ Encourage them to discuss and set specific DEI goals for their teams.
〰️ Support them in scheduling regular check-ins to hold each other accountable for progress.

2️⃣ Public Commitments:

〰️ Encourage managers to publicly commit to specific DEI initiatives or goals.
〰️ Share these commitments through internal communications or company-wide platforms.

3️⃣ Check-ins with Managers:

〰️ Schedule regular check-ins with managers to understand the support they need in achieving their DEI goals.
〰️ Provide personalized resources for their development, such as podcasts, books, or articles, based on their specific needs.

From your experience, what other strategies are effective in enduring the training impact?

Source: Melissa Summer, The Myers-Briggs Company Podcast, episode with Dr. Rachel Cubas-Wilkinson on Inclusive Leadership

For more tips on inclusive leadership download my free Short Guide On Inclusive Leadership


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