Are men better at making dumplings?

Last week I had a pleasure to give a talk about stereotypes and gender bias for an invitation of Women in Project Management PMI PC community at Nokia Garage.

We started off with a question "Are men better at making dumplings?" that initiated a reflection on:

🥟 neurosexism

I showed some examples on how neuroscience findings can be misinterpreted because of our bias and how it can lead to false conclusions and neurosexism

🥟 gender myths

I shared about archeological discoveries e.g of hunting toolkit at the Andean highland site of Wilamaya Patjxa and meta-analysis that challenges the man-the-hunter hypothesis and the gender division of labour.

I also mentioned the hypothesis of Yuval Harari on the influence of wheat in domesticating humans and reinforcing the division of gender roles.

🥟 tools in mitigating biases

Structural changes in organizations are key to equalise work environments and to address gender bias. I also shared two tools that can be very helpful on an individual level:

👉🏼 Flip It To Test It Method:

👉🏼 the Implicit Association Test to check out the potential unconsciousbias

Thank you Marta Marcinkiewicz, Ewa Okołotowicz, Klaudia Purchała-Przybyła for your invitation! It was great to get to know the community you're creating and learning about FeNoCom initiative thanks to Olga Stempin. You're doing an amazing job!

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