what makes narratives regarding people from marginalized groups non-inclusive?

Curious about what makes narratives regarding people from marginalized groups non-inclusive? 🤔


Together with Katarzyna Lampart and Magdalena Sobczuk, I've decided to confront this challenge and discuss our concerns regarding current narratives about marginalized groups, particularly focusing on neurodiversity and disability.

I believe that whether or not we belong to marginalized groups, when we use our platforms to amplify DEI matters, we should be mindful and responsible about the tone we perpetuate.


Magdalena Sobczuk did an amazing job and has provided a comprehensive summary of our discussions on her blog, along with 15 recommended by us resources and a link to the recording (available in Polish):

https://www.ebpathfinder.pl/post/czy-je%C5%9Bli-m%C3%B3wi%C4%85c-o-nas-du%C5%BCo-to-zawsze-dobrze-live (PL)


Based on Magdalena's summary, I have compiled 7 main takeaways on what we identify as non-inclusive narratives about marginalized groups and why.

Trait Focus: Emphasizing characteristics of individuals or groups rather than addressing their specific needs and barriers.  Example: Generalizing that all employees on the autism spectrum excel in analytical tasks instead of focusing on removing bar
Focusing on each group separately and trying to respond to the individual needs of different groups, instead of recognizing that many of these needs apply to larger groups.  Example: "How to attract and retain talent from Generation Z."  Inclusive ap
business case based on an identity trait: Overemphasizing the business benefits associated with the characteristics of a specific group    Example: Promoting neurodiversity solely for its perceived business advantages without considering broader aspe
exclusive programs: Programs and initiatives that are supposed to be helpful and inclusive, but by their very  design, they are not.   Example: A program to make people on the autism spectrum more active in the workforce but with the assumption that
single story narratives: Talking about the experiences of an entire group through the lens of the experiences of a single person   Good to keep in mind “If you know one person on the spectrum, you know one person on the spectrum."


who is missing from your data?


how does your commitment to DEI show itself in small, daily interactions?